The Guides Axiom
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System Android/IOS
Version 4.4
Price free
Developer Kevin Bradford
Updated March 26, 2020
Size 53.48 Mb


The Guides Axiom is a mobile puzzle game that challenges players to decode and decipher a series of cryptic puzzles and codes. The game features a variety of game modes, including story mode and challenge mode.

In story mode, players can follow a narrative that takes them through different levels of the game, while challenge mode offers special objectives and rewards for players who succeed.

Players must use their problem-solving skills and knowledge of cryptography to decipher codes and puzzles, using clues provided within the game to progress through the levels. The game features a variety of puzzles, ranging from ciphers and codes to logic puzzles and riddles.

Overall, The Guides Axiom offers a challenging and engaging gameplay experience for fans of puzzle and code-breaking games, with its unique storyline, variety of game modes and objectives, and the ability to improve problem-solving skills while having fun.


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